100 Years Air Traffic Control

Ghana Air Traffic Controllers’ Association

GHATCA is a non-profit professional body that represents the professional interest of all Air Traffic Controllers in Ghana. GHATCA promotes the highest standards in all aspects of air traffic management and is dedicated to the safety of all who travel by air.


Welcome to the official website for Ghana Air Traffic Controllers’ Association (GHATCA). On this website, you will find out about the activities of GHATCA, our industry, our members, and our focus. Enjoy the exciting journey as you navigate through our website.

Our Expertise

GHATCA members uphold a high standard of knowledge and
professional efficiency in carrying out their duties.
Our highly skilled controllers are experts in:

I want to be an Aviation Professional – Part 1 (Virtual)
Date: 19th, July 2024
Time: 11:00 am (UTC)

Decades ago when aviation was birthed, the focus was to get people or goods from one point to another. Pilots were the most important professionals to achieve this. Someone has to successfully move that big machine from one place to the other! As aviation begun to grow and became more dynamic, it became evident that other professionals needed to be engaged to work together with pilots to fly aircraft safely and successfully. Air Traffic Controllers, Cabin Crew, Aircraft Engineers, Dispatchers, Air Traffic Safety Engineers, AIS Officers, Safety Inspectors and Aviation Meteorologists, are a few technical professionals found in the aviation industry today. I am sure many people have not even heard of some of these professions.
This edition of the GHATCA Technical Webinar Series seeks to introduce us to the world of aviation and the different professionals working in this field. We shall interact with some distinguished personalities who will educate us about their respective professions. They shall share with us their journey into and within aviation, their successes, challenges, and what they project for the future of aviation. They shall also share with us what to consider in identifying the particular profession to take up, what qualifications are required and what traits are needed.
We have an Air Traffic Controller and a Pilot to kick-start the first part of this two-part series.

This edition of the Technical Webinar Series is a joint IFATCA (AFM) and GHATCA special webinar and is dedicated to gender equality. It is to provide the platform for brainstorming ways by which female participation in aviation can be boosted and how the disparity between male and female aviation professionals can be bridged. Discussions will also be on what policies must be developed and those that must be modified to achieve this. Panelists will also share their personal achievements, revealing how they overcame obstacles and stereotyped mind-sets to attain the level they are now.

This webinar seeks to create awareness about the significance of mental health and stress management in aviation and offers a platform for knowledge sharing and dialogue among industry professionals. By addressing these vital issues openly and proactively, we aim to contribute to the well-being and resilience of those who navigate the skies, ensuring safe and efficient operations within the aviation fraternity and underscoring the importance of a supportive and stigma-free environment.

As part of celebrations to mark the International Day of the Air Traffic Controller, join us for an insightful webinar as we discuss the challenges faced by aviation professionals, the impact of these challenges on well-being, and the importance of promoting a culture of psychological safety. We are privileged to have an expert who will share his knowledge and perspectives on this important topic. 

The use of unmanned aircraft systems for civilian purposes has become prevalent within the last decade. Drones are gradually becoming a part of our lives with applications and uses in agriculture, aerial surveying, drone journalism, search and rescue, remote inspections, and medical supplies to inaccessible communities among others.
In this webinar, Melissa Rusanganwa from Zipline will share the experiences of Zipline in their novel use of drones to deliver badly needed medical supplies to remote communities across Africa. John Kwofie, an Air Traffic controller from the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority and a member of CANSO/AFI RPAS TASK FORCE will discuss ATM, safety issues and RPAS integration strategies whiles Raynold Senam Atadja, a Senior Aviation Safety Inspector and a member of the ICAO RPAS panel will discuss regulatory issues regarding present and future drone/RPAS use.


Among its many objectives, GHATCA aims at promoting safety, efficiency and regularity in International Air Navigation; and promoting and upholding a high standard of knowledge and professional efficiency among its members.
With this goal in mind, the GHATCA blog was created: to educate and inform controllers about a variety of aviation related topics including Safety, ATM, ATFM, ASBU, Human Factors, Cybersecurity, RPAS, SWIM, UTM, and UAM.

Corporate Social Responsibility

GHATCA embarks on social projects every year to improve the quality of the lives of people
through appropriate and sustainable corporate social responsibility interventions
in communities in Ghana. GHATCA currently has two focus areas – Health and Education..


In 2021, the State School for the Deaf in Ashiaman benefitted from the GHATCA CSR program.



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